her soul is fierce
her heart is brave
her mind is strong
SHE = The Strong Woman
She programs her mind for success and believes in miracles. She believes happy girls are the prettiest girls and that tomorrow is a brand-new day.
When she’s not feeling her best she asks herself, “what are you going to do about it??” and whatever comes her way she handles it like a bad ass.
She follows her heart and not logic and accepts apologies she never receives. She attempts what seems impossible, and oftentimes doesn’t stop till she’s proud.
She builds a brand, it’s called her family, and she isn’t afraid to wear her scars that show the character of her survival and she never compromises her character for fame.
She doesn’t play follow the leader, she is the leader, and she cries a river just like the rest of them and shows you her beauty, even in pain.
She always believes the truth sets you free and accepts that humankind has flaws, and she will never hurt you just because you hurt her.
She makes a decision and doesn’t look back, she helps you when you don’t deserve it, and if she lets her guard down with you, that’s a damn gift.
Trusting you is one of her biggest virtues and she overcomes everything that was meant to destroy her. She always has the decency to say she’s sorry, even if it takes everything she has.
She can take no for an answer and she is proud of who she is because she’s gone through hell becoming her.
She knows that asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s asking for assistance in becoming her best self and when she remembers who she is, the game changes.
When she stands in the storm, she adjusts her sails with the wind, she digs real deep to find her inner strength, and she holds it together when everyone else would understand if she fell apart.
She doesn’t require validation when she knows what she wants but plays with confidence in one hand and fear in the other until she gets there. She understands that the bottom could always fall out, so she follows her intuition, and it leads her.
Above are my characteristics that define a strong woman. She’s loud, she’s proud, and if you blow smoke in her eyes, you better run. She’s fierce, she’s you and she’s me. You are a strong woman, and your essence is a gift to the world. Celebrate your strength and give credit to your strong self. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you how strong you are, own it!!!
This is beautiful! Sometimes you don’t know your strength until you’re forced into it. I know lately, I have been slipping on the self live and determination department. Thank you for inspiring me to start it all up again and reminding me of that fire that has gotten me through so much already, My friend! Much Love! ❤️