Forgiveness is like a chain released that’s been wrapped around your heart, it’s strangled you, it’s prevented you from moving forward, and it’s prevented your true happiness. This chain has linked you to pain and scars that won’t heal, a self-confidence that’s been damaged, and personal self-worth you deny time and time again. The bottom line is this: people hurt each-other, and we hurt the ones we love the most. It happens to everyone, it isn’t a secret, it’s a reality. Whether it’s intentional or unintentional, it’s a part of what we do as people. But like many things, within it we have the ability to heal and forgive. I think forgiveness sets you free.
It takes extreme courage to overcome and face emotions that drag us down. We are not weak when we forgive, we are powerful when we forgive. The journey is not easy, but it is powerful because it frees your chains. It’s in realizing that people make mistakes and that you are strong enough to forgive that you heal yourself. That’s not weakness, that’s releasing yourself from fear, distrust, anger, and hate. It’s telling the chains they don’t belong here anymore and that sets you free. A scar might be left, but our scars are unique, and give us character as we continue to be a warrior of our own life.
People have moments of weakness, but if they are on the list of people that continue to wound you, they shouldn’t be invited anymore. Uninvite them. Take back their invitation and forgive, but don’t invite them again. In the grand scheme of things, you probably weren’t expecting they would be the highest on the list of people who hurt you. “I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn’t sorry and accept an apology I never received.” That is powerful and that is bravery. That is true human kindness and a definition of your incredible internal self-worth.

Please remember today: you are valuable, you are enough, you have a voice, you are seen, and you are capable. We can be fragile at best somedays, but we never should lose our voice as we continue to value ourselves and know that we are enough.
When someone backs you into a corner, it’s not you, it’s their own insecurities they must face within a situation. And in some cases, even though you have a voice, sometimes it’s just best to walk away and say nothing. You can find your voice when the dust clears and after you’ve taken the high road you can forgive. And then you simply uninvite them and release the chain.
From my soul to yours my friend, it is powerful to forgive. I think forgiveness sets you free.