Why am I ok with perfectly imperfect?
Have you noticed the competition within our world from one human to the next? Someone wants something that someone else has… like the newest car, a nice house, perfect kids or a perfect husband, or a perfect personality. Let me tell you, perfect does not exist. Sometimes what we see at face value, in reality, is not really the way it is at all …
When you look at someone, you can’t see their struggles, insecurities, or scars; you can’t see their financial issues if they have them and you can’t see what happens in their family behind closed doors, only what they portray. We all have perfectly imperfect lives, and I am ok admitting that without reservation. There is a struggle within everything that we do and that is how we exist. It is the way we react, persevere, and grow within those struggles that makes us each individually unique.
Don’t be afraid to be confident in yourself. Look deep within and identify what your strengths are that maybe your friend or neighbor might envy in you, just like you admire traits in others. When we love ourselves and recognize we are meant to be just how we are, that is when we find true salvation. That is when we stop looking to others to make us happy. If we make ourselves happy and stop putting expectations towards the people who love us most, something happens. We manifest what we want, and our relationships get stronger. Our partners and family recognize something different about us that gives them energy and a different level of respect and love towards us. Our confidence and self- love are attractive to others and the bonds we form within the walls of our own circle become very hard to break.
In an effort to realize we aren’t perfect and that everyone has their own journey to lead, we should be more compassionate to the fact that everyone should be different. We know a person’s name, we don’t their story. We have heard what they’ve done, not what they’ve been through. We shouldn’t judge someone’s choices when we don’t know their reasons. Everyone has their own story to tell. So instead of being judgmental, we should listen to their story in hopes that they will give us the chance to listen. It is us who lets the negative emotion overcome us and we end up making the wrong judgement all together.
Within loss and pain, I have found a better understanding of others. I have discovered we all deal differently, and it doesn’t make one way better than the other. When I get lost on a thought that I can’t get out of my head or go down a path that leads to nowhere, someone else’s way of thinking pulls me out. I might not agree with it at first and I might get mad at the simple disagreement of my thought process, but somehow within myself I find their reasoning and it sets me straight again. There are different branches that lead down to the trunk of the tree and if we all followed the same path, it would be crowded. We would all have the same strengths, characteristics and ideas, and we would all be so tired of each other as we compete to get ahead on that same limb and there would never be a resolution to any problem and there would be no healing. When we heal ourselves, do we heal the world? Think about that, it makes a lot of sense.