Lavender and My senses
The senses are defined in Webster as: “a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch.” Lavender does something to my senses.
Have you ever caught yourself with a feel-good feeling when you recognize a familiar smell? Something like an old acquaintances perfume, the smell of your uncle’s cigars from childhood or fresh cut grass in the spring signifying a new chapter for the year? These are personal examples of things that catch my attention with my sense of smell. Often times my sense of smell attaches itself to my emotions, and this can be both pleasing and upsetting, especially when I smell something that reminds me of the son I lost.
Lavender seems to calm my nerves when I am upset or anxious. The power of a smell can trigger sense receptors, which send messages to the part of your brain that controls your mood. I purchase lavender as an essential oil from You can diffuse it, wear it mixed in unscented lotion, or just open the lid of the bottle and breathe in a few breaths. This year I am experimenting with the real deal, three planters of the lavender plant. I am hoping the scent of it when the wind blows or when its hazy and humid and it vaporizes into the air, I will experience that feel-good feeling I’ve been describing as I catch a whiff. How good is that? Not to mention that it is also pleasing to my eyes and draws me in for a closer look, another feel- good sense.
If lavender doesn’t give you a feel-good vibe, the next time you smell something and it makes you happy or you see something that draws you in, think about how you can incorporate that into your routine. It’s worth a shot.